Here is a list of the first spells you want to assign to the magician.
Each spell will be characterized by multiple versions, so that by studying the magician can gradually develop improved versions of their spells.
makes it faster than benefits, increasing his time on every lap and giving a bonus to the reflexes and dodge bullets.
2.Evoca servant
evokes a servant in a position to cook, lead weights and serve.
3.Freccia magic
creates one or more bolts of pure magical energy that can be launched against a target visible
4.Globo electric
a concentrated ball of lightning strikes a hard target and then propagates circularly also affecting the closest to it.
5.Induci torpor
reduces the level of attention of a target and eventually knocked him unconscious.
6.Lancia cold iron
creates an iron spear and hurls it against a target visible.
7.Momento lion
magician makes the stronger and more agile for a few moments that may be necessary for a exceptional effort, as a jump or a ride.
8.Muta face
allows the magician to change the look of her face, eyes and hair.
9.Pioggia stone
big stones fall from the area indicated by the magician
10.Raggio penetrating
a deadly beam of energy strikes a target and then it spreads to a second and possibly third .
11.Repulsione brutal a magical force hits a hard target or landing near rejecting
12.Tocco analgesic
reduces the pain of a trauma surgeon's
greatly accelerates the healing process by exploiting ' energy magic magician magic
makes light one end of a contested item or worn by the magician
15.Veste power
covers the body of the magician with a sort of shock-resistant coating
makes it more robust and muscular a target for some time
If you saw the serious deficiencies in this list, also commented, noting that a list is designed for a magician for a few of the initial level and subsequent levels.
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