[Chapter 1: The Lands of Aman]
[Chapter 2: A New World]
Luigi: Noldor Elf Bard
Andrea: Noldor Elf Mage
David Noldor Elf mentalist
Chris: Noldor Elf Ranger
Foo: Noldor Elf Healer Lay

Books and References
GIRSE , Third Edition: The book contains basic rules for races, creating pesonaggio, actions and everything else. Character Law, 2nd Edition: The book contains the character creation of the 2nd edition of Rolemaster in English. Used to complete the rules of the manual based GIRSE.
Arms Law, 2nd Edition: The book on the combat part of the system of Rolemaster 2nd Edition, in English. Contains tables for each weapon, along with expanded rules on combat.
Spell Law, the book of magic spells which lists up to level 50, in Italian. This book provides everything you need to know magic.
The Atlas of Middle-earth: Bompiani book contains an enormous amount of priceless maps on the middle ground in every era. An essential book for every lover of Mr. Tolkien.
The Silmarillion: Well, the Book, do not add anything else.
Secondary Skills: This document contains a list of revised and simplified secondary abilities. In general, these capabilities are used less frequently than primary but in specific cases can be extremely useful. [Download ]
Card Character: This series of sheets allow you to keep your character always organized. There is a general paper and two others to register lists of spells known. [Download ]
Table: This table contains the professions available in my country, with its development and bonus points for professional level. The figures differ from those in the user base and were obtained directly from the second edition of Rolemaster. The changes are were made for the simple balance of professions, but also to ensure the best combined use Spell Law and Arms Law. [Download ]
Experience Points Table: a table that helps the Master to assign experience points to the characters. E 'designed for my personal purposes and can not possibly meet all tastes. [Download ]
Tables of the maneuver maneuvers moving and still, all in one page and also in Italian. [Download ]